Bash secret powers
Bash scripting has evolved a lot in the last ten years. I get used to relay on bash for all normal “data domination” tasks (like file system refactorings, database extraction …
Bash scripting has evolved a lot in the last ten years. I get used to relay on bash for all normal “data domination” tasks (like file system refactorings, database extraction …
Several years ago I had the need of keep in sync three computers. After some questions on a java mailing list, a very smart guy suggested me Unison. Unison is …
Finally I managed to buy a Asus EEE PC 700 this week. I would thanks a lot Next Store and its kindly clerks, which I will prefer in future to …
Per un importante cliente, abbiamo sviluppato una applicazione chiamata PDFGenerator, che è stata pacchettizzata come un vero e proprio prodotto.
Vediamo come è stato possibile…
Oracle buys BEA and Sun buys MySql.
In reply,Migrosoft is hungry and is watching Yahoo :-)
Let's play a bit with these ideas :)