There is a future for SmallTalk? I was a very strong fan of the SmallTalk language, but in the last five years I have seen more and more contraction of its usage in the IT field.
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Italy 2008’s Election
Mar 24, 2008 路 1 min read 路 -
iPhone is the brand-new Apple product which has changed the way Apple thinks. Because of iPhone, Apple strip the word "Computers" from its brand name. And because of iPods and iPhone products, Lepoard developmenet slip a bit, blurring the focus on pure technology.
To be true, I do not beat on the iPhone success, but the product success is at least bright this year. And the iPod touch has also added value to the iPods product catalog. But I am an IT-man, damn you boy! So I want to buy it to play with it, to program with it!
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Asus EEE-PC better then Mac Air?
May 7, 2008 路 4 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 arc build car code commercial development easy file fini freedom funny future games good hacking hard ideas internet italia italy linux news pd performance reader rim search site small software system telecom test trouble ubuntu ui vi war web windows world路Finally I managed to buy a Asus EEE PC 700 this week. I would thanks a lot Next Store and its kindly clerks, which I will prefer in future to Mediaword :)
If you are at Milan and you plan to buy it, Next Store is a good choice.
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Ciao bimbo mio, mancano approssimativamente 210 giorni prima della tua nascita. Il tuo pap脿 e la tua mamma vorrebbero sapere prima il tuo sesso, pi霉 che altro per comperarti un pigiamino del colore giusto, come moda comanda.聽Non che ci siano molte scelte: se sei maschietto il pigiamino sar脿 blu, se sarai femmina sar脿 rosa.
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Non amo lamentarmi. Non mi piace lamentarmi su Gioorgi.com: lo fa apparire un sito asfittico e limitato, invece che una raccolta articolata di idee ed opinioni. Ma la pessima realizzazione di iOS4 grida vendetta!
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A Gioorgi.com abbiamo deciso di rivedere profondamente il look&feel del sito, per sfruttare appieno l’aggiornamento alla piattaforma di publishing WordPress 3. Bench茅 il layout a due colonne laterali+ centrale sia sempre stato considerato migliore per leggere, rubava troppo spazio ai listati e impediva di allegare immagini.
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Disclaimer: Hi guys, I will not start a Religion wars between Emacs and Vim. For a copule of reason:
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