There is a future for SmallTalk? I was a very strong fan of the SmallTalk language, but in the last five years I have seen more and more contraction of its usage in the IT field.
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Asus EEE-PC better then Mac Air?
May 7, 2008 路 4 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 arc build car code commercial development easy file fini freedom funny future games good hacking hard ideas internet italia italy linux news pd performance reader rim search site small software system telecom test trouble ubuntu ui vi war web windows world路Finally I managed to buy a Asus EEE PC 700 this week. I would thanks a lot Next Store and its kindly clerks, which I will prefer in future to Mediaword :)
If you are at Milan and you plan to buy it, Next Store is a good choice.
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April 0.2 Application Performance Framework
Apr 15, 2009 路 3 min read 路April (Application Performance Framework) is a super-light application framework based on Spring, featuring:
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Working for a very big customer, I found a very nasty interaction between Sun HttpClient (JDK 1.4) and Http聽 Load Balancers.
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As processors become faster and multiprocessor systems become cheaper, the need to take advantage of multithreading in order to achieve full hardware resource utilization only increases the importance of being able to incorporate concurrency in a wide variety of application categories.
In this article we are evaluting a new approach to the concurrency. In the last five years computers are becoming even more parallel. Intel is pushing multi-core achiteture also on commodity personal computers. Neverless the computing power is ofter not well used: one again, hardware is a step head of our day-by-day software development. Remember when the 80286 came into light. The 286 was able to provide a multi-programming architecture but without memory management protection. We had to wait 386 hardware to see software working on preemptive multi-tasking, because software cannot cope with unprotected memory. In one word, it costs too much to develop a operating system without the new features the 80386 bring to us. What about concurrent programming? Can we look similarities in the聽 concurrency field?
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Erlang Book Review
Jul 19, 2009 路 7 min readen erlang featured lang reviews software 路 books development erlang framework functional-programming guide http ideas internet java oreilly performance programming-languages路After reading an interesting article on Erlang聽 and Java interoperability, I have decided to dedicate my spare time to Erlang.
O’Reilly has just published a wonderful book on Erlang, so I decided to dive into it.
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