Biblio Wolf (Bwolf for firends) is a webapp app for managing a book collection. BWolf is written in python using the Django web framework, and it is born from a Customer request. BWolf is open source, and you can get a full description here including links to downloads. I will mantain a blog of all the work I will do. In the last two months I set up a Subversion Repository and played a little with Django.
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Il governo, d’accordo con l’opposizione vara un decreto per proteggere la privacy del povero signor “Mario Rossi” (o Bianchi… insomma un nome comune) spiato dai cattivoni di telecom. In pratica si vuole impedire che le scottanti telefonate tra Rossi (Bianchi) e la sua fida commercialista (amante) vengano scoperte.
La cosa parrebbe sensata se non avessimo l’impressione che lo scopo sia VEROSIMILMENTE un’altro.
Infatti un giornare come Repubblica (o il Giornale.. hem…) e’ composto da circa 46 pagine. Le intercettazioni sono 100.000 files. Non si puo’ pubblicare tutto prima della fine del mondo, e la gente si sa perde interesse dopo circa tre puntate (anche meno…).
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Asus EEE-PC better then Mac Air?
May 7, 2008 路 4 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 arc build car code commercial development easy file fini freedom funny future games good hacking hard ideas internet italia italy linux news pd performance reader rim search site small software system telecom test trouble ubuntu ui vi war web windows world路Finally I managed to buy a Asus EEE PC 700 this week. I would thanks a lot Next Store and its kindly clerks, which I will prefer in future to Mediaword :)
If you are at Milan and you plan to buy it, Next Store is a good choice.
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Unison File Synchronizer
Jul 12, 2009 路 1 min read 路 -
Bash scripting has evolved a lot in the last ten years.
I get used to relay on bash for all normal “data domination” tasks (like file system refactorings, database extraction and reporting and so on) and switching to python/ruby/perl when the complexity gets bigger. I didn’t imagine bash is even more powerful :) This article by Robert Muth so you new nice tricks: I聽 add here some other like mapfile and stress the most important one.
Update 2016 Last but not least,if you do now know about bash history, this link will teach you a huge set of tricks Updated 2019 Bash Bible will further extend the topic.
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