The trends of this october are about some upcoming products. A clear analisys of <a href=“http://www.roughlydrafted.com/Sept05.Quark.html"
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The Network Computer was a bad idea born in the middle of the ‘90, and ended up to be completly wrong. Anyway, the current software tecnologhy (like AJAX, Google Gears, the psedo-new-ms-windows os called midori) can be helpuful to sketch a new idea of operating system.
The network computer fails because it pretends to store all information (program, user data) on the server. Worst, it pretends a fee for application usage. But users preferred a buy-one model, because they didn’t like the renting model
In the NC world the Software company will also hold all you private documents, 聽a very security concerns.
And the software company must guarantee also nobody will look your important market strategy stored on a corel draw excel. This things costs too much.
Even Apple is trying to remove DRM from Apple Store, selling some titles without it. The reason is simple: apple needs to upgrade its copy protection scheme, for avoiding some hacker will be able to crak it. But this costs too much!
Let’s see what we can think now, after 10 years, a bunch of iPhone/EEPC out of there and Open Source full of life…
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A Gioorgi.com non siamo avvezzi a credere a tutto quello che dice la stampa.
Per parecchio tempo, il fenomeno “Second Life” ha imperversato sui media: sembrava che se tu non avessi un avatar, un negozio virtuale, un’ “isola politica” o un’attivit脿 piazzata su second life saresti stato etichettato come “sfigato digitale”.
In questi giorni 猫 stata rilanciata la notizia secondo cui second life stia andando sempre peggio.聽Repubblica lo aveva gi脿 rilevato mesi fa, ma ora 猫 chiaro il tracollo: su 15 milioni di utenti, solo poco pi霉 di 480.000 hanno abitato l’ultima settimana di Second Life (SL for friends). Un 聽sistema in cui per svagarsi 猫 necessario spendere denaro vero, ed in cui la tua identit脿 non 猫 verificata sa di new economy old style (quella esplosa con la bolla del 2001, per intenderci).
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Every Year, Giovanni consider some "trends"聽 based on his consultant experience. This trends have been gathered in the last six months, and are printed聽 at regular basis. This thoughts聽 are note merely "preference", but are strong opinions based on IT firms products, cleared by buzz-words and soap-opera-like scoop (like "Wired"聽 bad ideas are :).
CMS Market is still facing PHP simplicity versus huge software house products.
Druapl & Wordpress are good. Drupal is an ace if you are very dynamic needs. For instance, multi-language sites, forums, polls and so on are a snap to install. But if usability is a concern, choose wordpress. joomla/Mambo are not so good in my own opinion, but I’d like to her a comment from you.
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The English New Year Intro:
Hi all readers, the last reports show the lack of articles was a major issue for Gioorgi.com
My time was heavily compressed by my forthcoming baby (I will dad in a few months guys!).
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