F# is a Microsoft research Language. F# is riding the functional revenge way of the last years. F# is a mixed approach, because some variables can be modified. It borrows a lot of things from Haskell and OCaml (Wikipedia dixit). F# is not used like Erlang or Haskell but it could be installed with Visual Studio 2010, and as a separate visual studio plug-in. If you need some functional stuff on your .NET architecture, F# can be your friend.
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We talked about ”Web applIcation Service Provider” (WISP) in the past days. So what are the specification for a Service Provder wanting to be a WISP?
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A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from the Hebrew, viaYiddish, and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge
Ora il professor Pippero ha stilato la seguente top ten delle frusrazioni
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JavaScript Wars hits nodejs
Oct 6, 2011 · 2 min read ·This week, the nodejs community had a big flame.
All was started by this blog post, which tried to slap down node.js server because of its mono-thread nature. And node.js fight back knocking down the attacker. Let’see how.
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Ho posseduto sia un Vic20 ed un C/64, come molti della mia generazione, credo. Il Commore 64 è stato un micro computer commercializzato tra il 1982 e il 1994, dalla Commodore Business Machine (CBM). Il vero salto di qualità con il C/64 me lo fece fare un rivista scovata in un Autogril, chiamata Commodore Computer Club, che parlava praticamente solo del C/64 e aveva una forte connotazione “social”, nel senso che la rubrica della posta era inizialmente molto grande.
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L’ultima volta che ho provato Ruby è stato nell’aprile del 2005. Avevo sviluppato un paio di progetti di test in RubyOnRails, che allora era già produttivo. Ruby era affascinante, ma la libreria base mi sembrava ancora in stato embrionale e lo abbandonai. RubyOnRails non mi è mai sembrato avesse un vantaggio competitivo rispetto a framwork come CakePHP o Python Django.
Read MoreWhen Steve Jobs given some suggestions to Google, I fear he was still upset for the Android-carbon-copy of the iPhone. Because Jobs suggested Google to focus on a small subset of product (no more then five) and Google did it. And google started killing a lot of lab projects.
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