Celeste is a mail reading and organizing program. The name "Celeste" is a reference to an earlier mail reader named Baba, which was written at Xerox PARC by Steve Putz and John Maloney.
Nowadays, Celeste is maintained by Giovanni Giorgi (me).Latest Feature
A new revision is planned for the end of September 2006, and code name will be "Sonic". Sonic will include a smart mailing-list filter and a better "leave message on server" option. I implemented years ago an auto-filtering system in AppleScript. The filtering engine used the RFC2369 and some other tricks to detect yahoo mailing list. Sonic will have also an auto-filter for google mailing list too.The leave message on server option is quite bad now. It creates a lot of duplicated messages.
The new implementation will avoid dowloading twice a message, using a mix of messageId and timestamp to detect duplicated messages.
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I have surfed today and I have found two sites worth to see: <a href=“http://www.rocketboom.com/"
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Hi dear spammers!
I have just finished tuning the latest version of my anti spam-blogging-software, and all the spam have been removed. I am glad to see you loosing your time tring to get some poor bucks from your bogous activity. I hope do you click on my google adverties sometimes, as true friends of mine?
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iPhone is a very nice project, well designed and manufactered, but the market addressed is
an hard bet for Apple.
Big players are already on the ground: Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony for instance.
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Ai primi di settembre google ha lanciato la beta di Chrome, il suo browser per Internet. Il periodo scelto non 猫 casuale, poich茅 Google 猫 stata fondata proprio ai primi di settembre. Difatti su Wikipedia leggiamo:
Larry Page e Sergey Brin, allora studenti dell'Universit脿 di Stanford, dopo aver sviluppato la teoria secondo cui un motore di ricerca basato sull'analisi matematica delle relazioni tra siti web avrebbe prodotto risultati migliori rispetto alle tecniche empiriche usate precedentemente, fondarono l'azienda il 7 settembre 1998. Convinti che le pagine citate con un maggior numero di link fossero le pi霉 importanti e meritevoli (Teoria delle Reti), decisero di approfondire la loro teoria all'interno dei loro studi e posero le basi per il loro motore di ricerca.
Questo articolo rende onore alla fondazione di Google, ricordandoci che quando tutto sembrava gi脿聽 detto nel mondo dei motori di ricerca, due persone riuscirono a dire qualcosa di nuovo, e posero le basi di una rivoluzione.L’algoritmo PageRank, che 猫 la base del motore di ricerca, 猫 stato costruito ispirandosi all’algoritmo HyperSearch ideato da Massimo Marchiori, un matematico italiano.
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Google Chrome (BETA)
12/11/2008 10:00:00 AM
Since we first released Google Chrome, the development team has been hard at work improving the stability and overall performance of the browser. In just 100 days, we have reached more than 10 million active users around the world (on all seven continents, no less) and released 14 updates to the product. We’re excited to announce that with today’s fifteenth release we are taking off the “beta” label!
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