Dynamic languages troubles
Jan 30, 2008 路 3 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 again ant api arc build business car code complex database design easy eclipse example fix hard hosting http ibm import java lion microsoft perl php plugin project projects python ruby simple small smalltalk software sql system tools trouble ui unix war web world路I have read http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/chandler-failure and I think it is very danger way of exposing concepts.
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Network computer
Aug 3, 2008 路 1 min read 路Take a look to my article on the future of operating systems and network computers on Gioorgi.com.聽Gioorgi.com will slowly become the new business blog of Objectsroot.com
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At Gioorgi.com, after working with a lot with software for over twenty years,聽 we have envisioned a clear idea about open source.聽This is the first article of a series tagged “opensource”: let’s start!
Richard Stallman Vision, based on GNU open source idea, is too radical from our point of view.
Stallman GNU License is based on a “copyleft” idea, which gives聽everyone聽the freedom to look at others’work, without taking credits for it. The license vision is very strict, so consulting is the natural option for an IT business based on GNU software, which is drived by Univestities, because of its basic freedom statement. Closed and paid software is still widely used,聽but open source is the key for the next revolution; let’see why.
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We are happy to publish the following聽 Chief Editor Direct Note (CED矛N):
I am here to announce the roll out of the new UniCredit Holding聽 Site.
UniCredit is a worldwide bank with over 40 millions customers. I had an active part on the story, being on the TLO (Technical Leaders Office) of the project. The project was scattered on different sites: on Italy we have two offices (Milan & Treviso), and one major site on Poland (Lodz). I have been聽 the Team Leaders at the Milan office. It was a very pleasant experience, also because I have the opportunity to work for an international project.
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NEW YORK - La News Corp., gigante delle comunicazioni che fa capo a Rupert Murdoch, potrebbe far pagare l'accesso alle notizie online a partire dalla met脿 del prossimo anno, ribadendo un'idea che lo stesso Murdoch aveva gi脿 annunciato lo scors0 8 maggio. Inoltre News Corp. potrebbe rompere l'alleanza con Amazon sul lettore digitale Kindle, se non si arriver脿 a una rinegoziazione degli accordi. Lo fa sapere Murdoch, il quale si 猫 detto scontento delle relazioni tra Kindle e i lettori online dei suoi giornali, lasciando anche trapelare la possibilit脿 di un accordo tra News Corp e Sony.
via Murdoch: faremo pagare le notizie online - Corriere della Sera.Prendiamo spunto da questa notizia e facciamo qualche riflessione.All’inizio del web, i giornali hanno tentato di creare siti web in parte gratuiti ed in parte a pagamento.
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Mastering clusters of Unix machines part1: the right VM
Oct 4, 2009 路 2 min readen featured knowledgebase software 路 business development gioorgi internet linux ubuntu virtualization路One day, we have the need to create a fast cluster of linux machine, specialized and easy to segragate in different networks (for better security). We need web servers, integration servers (running java hudson), huge developer machines (running for instance eclispe) and so on.
It was not easy to find a good environment. This research lead us also to consider a very huge set of different and complex management software. In this series of article, we will show what we discovered.
Or final goal is to have a way to define a set of linux virutal machines, connect them and manage all using open source software. We also want tools easy to understand. We do not want super-optimized stuff, we have the “just it works well” approach.
We thinked about these types of virtual machine: super light LAMP servers, medim sized java tomcat servers (or udson servers), big database machines and super big development machines.
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