Biblio Wolf (Bwolf for firends) is a webapp app for managing a book collection. BWolf is written in python using the Django web framework, and it is born from a Customer request. BWolf is open source, and you can get a full description here including links to downloads. I will mantain a blog of all the work I will do. In the last two months I set up a Subversion Repository and played a little with Django.
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Celeste is a mail reading and organizing program. The name "Celeste" is a reference to an earlier mail reader named Baba, which was written at Xerox PARC by Steve Putz and John Maloney.
Nowadays, Celeste is maintained by Giovanni Giorgi (me).Latest Feature
A new revision is planned for the end of September 2006, and code name will be "Sonic". Sonic will include a smart mailing-list filter and a better "leave message on server" option. I implemented years ago an auto-filtering system in AppleScript. The filtering engine used the RFC2369 and some other tricks to detect yahoo mailing list. Sonic will have also an auto-filter for google mailing list too.The leave message on server option is quite bad now. It creates a lot of duplicated messages.
The new implementation will avoid dowloading twice a message, using a mix of messageId and timestamp to detect duplicated messages.
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(First published on 2007-01-20)
Hi all, ObjectsRoot now has correct story ordering ontags view!
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There is a future for SmallTalk? I was a very strong fan of the SmallTalk language, but in the last five years I have seen more and more contraction of its usage in the IT field.
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We are happy to announce the first version of brasil for window, a small python backup script.
Brasil4Windows is a small python script you can use to zip and backup your files on a regular basis. Brasil4Win offers:
- LowLoad Backup. The script will try to pause under heavy load computer.
- Fine-grained ETA using stored bytes AND passed time. It can print you a good extimation on when it will finish.
- Skip-and-retry schema for locked files. Sometimes聽 under windows files are locked. Brasil4Win retry to open them from time to time.
- Optimized for using Psyco: http://psyco.sf.net We suggest you to set it up psyco for on-the-fly compilation of the script. It rocks.
- The script is released under GNU Public License License v2.0, so feel free to use it.
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This bug fix release of brasil4windows give supports to very big zips (over 2Gb). The fix is very trivial, but it is crucial if you plan to store big zips. You can download brasilwin_1_1 clicking on this link. Upgrade is higly recommended. Zip64 extensions was disabled聽 because the default zip and unzip commands on Unix (the InfoZIP utilities) don’t support these extensions, as stated in the Python documentation.
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Is it possible to use Python to write small ASP-like scripts. In this post we will see how to use it, and the common mistakes you can enconter in your road to the snake…
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