In this article I will introduce you to Hibernate 3 persistence framework. This article is worth to read, because give you a very fast track to Hibernate; I have used this tool for the past six years, when only聽the good 2.x series was out of there. Then I have the lucky of training two teams on two different and big projects, with a “zero time” to teach them hibernate. So I decided to put here my advices, hints, tips and tricks, for the rest of the guys around the World.
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As processors become faster and multiprocessor systems become cheaper, the need to take advantage of multithreading in order to achieve full hardware resource utilization only increases the importance of being able to incorporate concurrency in a wide variety of application categories.
In this article we are evaluting a new approach to the concurrency. In the last five years computers are becoming even more parallel. Intel is pushing multi-core achiteture also on commodity personal computers. Neverless the computing power is ofter not well used: one again, hardware is a step head of our day-by-day software development. Remember when the 80286 came into light. The 286 was able to provide a multi-programming architecture but without memory management protection. We had to wait 386 hardware to see software working on preemptive multi-tasking, because software cannot cope with unprotected memory. In one word, it costs too much to develop a operating system without the new features the 80386 bring to us. What about concurrent programming? Can we look similarities in the聽 concurrency field?
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Yahoo has been a vociferous Apache Hadoop user and supporter for several years now, and uses it extensively within its Search technologies. Hadoop has been gaining popularity in the Cloud Computing space, with companies like the NYTimes converting 4TB and 11 million articles to PDFs in under 24 hours using Hadoop and EC2 in late 2007. Hadoop has been made available in Amazon's cloud and Yahoo has now released its own Hadoop version.
from Slashdot | Yahoo Releases Open Source Hadoop Distribution. -
In late 1994, when I need to write a programming language it was a pain. You must start with flex, lex and so on, and the way will be very long.
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PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a project build system based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework. Features include file transformations (e.g. token replacement, XSLT transformation, Smarty template transformations), file system operations, interactive build support, SQL execution, CVS operations, tools for creating PEAR packages, and much more.
via Phing. -
"After only 2 years since the previous version, now emacs 23 .1 is available. It brings many new features, of which the support for anti-aliased fonts on X may be the most visible. Also, there is support for starting emacs in the background, so you can pop up new emacs windows in the blink of an eye. There are many other bigger and smaller improvements, including support for D-Bus, Xembed, and viewing PDFs inside emacs. And not to forget, M-x butterfly. You can get emacs 23 from ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/ or one of its mirrors; alternatively, there are binary packages available, for example from Ubuntu PPA."
via Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters.For the young readers, emacs is the oldest Open Source project out of there. And it has a lot to teach to the other integrated developement environments!
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C'猫 stata molta eccitazione intorno alla presentazione dell'iPad da parte della Apple.
Il prodotto finale risulta una specie di "iPhone pi霉 grosso", con funzionalit脿 simili al Kindle di Amazon, che ovviamente consta circa 200 dollari di meno.
E allora dove sta la novit脿, la geniale lungimiranza di Steve Jobs?
In realt脿 l'iPad 猫 un passo avanti nel tentativo di creare un ecosistema che faccia terra bruciata dei concorrenti, come gi脿 猫 successo per l'iPhone ("il solito cellulare touch..."ricordate?): vediamo perch茅.