Let the Zend Framework introduce itself as a Borg would do:
"Hi dear RubyOnRails. Hi all. I am the Zend Framework, a small work (about 5 tons of code) done by IBM and Zend to destroy you. You think php is not able to build big project?… do you?
So you have dared to develop RubyOnRails or Perl or Python, thinking you can own the web in your way… Dear nerds you are so funny and young!!" in a lamp of light the borg duplicate itselfs in 100 indians programmers, saying together
"Resistence is futile.
Eh eh, we have just emitted a small set of stuff as a demo:
We have cache engine, memory manager, acl, configuration, pdf support, lucene support, all with documentation and examples (!).
Yeah we are also thinking to integrate php as a WebSphere Frontend, and javalize it. Yeah you now we are already working on it and it is a secret… in a couple of year, you will forced to use our PHP. As Borland destroyed its JBuilder in favour of our small Eclipse Framework you will be absorbed soon.
And yes, http://www.basecamphq.com/ is still closed source!"
PHP is still well supported and a tons of apps are out of there.
PHP is "insecure by design" because of its type juggling system which allow you to inject data in a very easy way. But ruby is not much more secure at the time of writing….and php code library is five times bigger then ruby.