We read in wikipedia:
"Mac OS X is the successor to the original Mac OS, which had been Apple's primary operating system since 1984 [...] The first version released was Mac OS X Server 1.0 in 1999, and a desktop-oriented version, Mac OS X v10.0 followed in March 2001"
The funny thing about MacOSX launch was the huge hype on the retail box: it was named "The world's most advanced operating system" and really it was very huge leap ahead.
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Asus EEE-PC better then Mac Air?
May 7, 2008 路 4 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 arc build car code commercial development easy file fini freedom funny future games good hacking hard ideas internet italia italy linux news pd performance reader rim search site small software system telecom test trouble ubuntu ui vi war web windows world路Finally I managed to buy a Asus EEE PC 700 this week. I would thanks a lot Next Store and its kindly clerks, which I will prefer in future to Mediaword :)
If you are at Milan and you plan to buy it, Next Store is a good choice.
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Windows 2000 and higher supports directory symbolic links, where a directory serves as a symbolic link to another directory on the computer. [...]Directory symbolic links are known as NTFS junctions in Windows. Unfortunately, Windows comes with no tools for creating junctions鈥攜ou have to purchase the Win2K Resource Kit, which comes with the linkd program for creating junctions. I therefore decided to write my own junction-creating tool: Junction
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Spesso capita di dover scaricare file al di fuori del browser: per esempio per installare software o per consentire ai propri programmi python/java/curl di effettuare delle azioni programmatiche
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ForceBindIP is a freeware Windows application that will inject itself into another application and alter how certain Windows Sockets calls are made, allowing you to force the other application to use a specific network interface / IP address. This is useful if you are in an environment with multiple interfaces and your application has no such option for binding to a specific interface.
via ForceBindIP - Bind any Windows application to a specific interface.Using iPhone/Android Tethering features, you can end up with a
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I have just read what Apple shown at the WWDC 2016.
In the 1985 Windows 1.0 was born. In a snap, the IBM compatible system evolved, and the competitive advantage of the Macintosh dried up and disappeared.
IBM PC was cheaper and way more open.
Like in the 1985, now in the 2016 the iPhone revolution has come to an end. After the Retina Display introduction, no real new feature was introduced. The apple Watch was beaten by competition.
Two years passed with no true innovation (i.e. Apple Watch is not a revolution).
The last MusicApp removed the beautiful cover navigation, and try to sell you the apple music rent service all the time, instead of let me play the music I have already bought.
MacOSX is the oldest one nowadays.
Historically Apple system are very closed. The reason is simple: when you go to your shareholders and ask for money, you can show you have a competitive advantage, a strong set of feature no one can take apart from you. But Apple lost this war in 1985, when the high pricey Macs cannot compete with open IBMs clones.
To be fair, IBM could open to clone market because its business was on high-end server, and Microsoft alliance will help to sell more IBM PCs.
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