After a summer sale rush I got a 27’’ Philips monitor for less than 170 €, preferring it to the 24''
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- Gli Americani sono veramente andati sulla luna
- Non vaccinarsi è molto più rischioso che vaccinarsi
- La cura Stamina era una truffa
- Non esiste nessun pericolo associato alle scie nel cielo
- Gli unicorni non esistono
- L'uomo che fuma (di X-Files) non ha ucciso Kennedy.
Source: NES.css - NES-style CSS FrameworkNES.css is NES-style (8bit-like) CSS Framework.#InstallationNES.css is available via either npm or Yarn, or a CDN.Please read README.md.#UsageNES.css only provides components. You will need to define your own layout.
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"Ora bevo la pozione magica, divento Asterix e ti picchio!"
Read MoreGod summons Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, and Bill Gates to his office and tells them: “I have called you to announce the end of the world: it has been set by me for midnight on December 31, '95. Go and communicate the good news to the world.”
Yeltsin gathers the Duma and says: “Dear comrades, I have two bad news to give you: the first is that God exists, the second that the end of the world has been set for December 31, 95.”
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