Il tre luglio ho avuto modo di partecipare al “JavaFX Circle Meeting” organizzato dal JUG. Durante l’evento 猫 stato anche svelato il mistero del logo usato dal meeting :)
I relatori dell’incontro sono stati Lorenzo Sicilia e Marcello Teodori, che sono stati molto chiari ed esaustivi聽 nella loro esposizione.
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After a bit of working, the projects section聽of Gioorgi.com is coming into life. Gioorgi Team is looking forward the 2009 to finalize the research projects.
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The Network Computer was a bad idea born in the middle of the ‘90, and ended up to be completly wrong. Anyway, the current software tecnologhy (like AJAX, Google Gears, the psedo-new-ms-windows os called midori) can be helpuful to sketch a new idea of operating system.
The network computer fails because it pretends to store all information (program, user data) on the server. Worst, it pretends a fee for application usage. But users preferred a buy-one model, because they didn’t like the renting model
In the NC world the Software company will also hold all you private documents, 聽a very security concerns.
And the software company must guarantee also nobody will look your important market strategy stored on a corel draw excel. This things costs too much.
Even Apple is trying to remove DRM from Apple Store, selling some titles without it. The reason is simple: apple needs to upgrade its copy protection scheme, for avoiding some hacker will be able to crak it. But this costs too much!
Let’s see what we can think now, after 10 years, a bunch of iPhone/EEPC out of there and Open Source full of life…
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We are happy to announce the first version of brasil for window, a small python backup script.
Brasil4Windows is a small python script you can use to zip and backup your files on a regular basis. Brasil4Win offers:
- LowLoad Backup. The script will try to pause under heavy load computer.
- Fine-grained ETA using stored bytes AND passed time. It can print you a good extimation on when it will finish.
- Skip-and-retry schema for locked files. Sometimes聽 under windows files are locked. Brasil4Win retry to open them from time to time.
- Optimized for using Psyco: http://psyco.sf.net We suggest you to set it up psyco for on-the-fly compilation of the script. It rocks.
- The script is released under GNU Public License License v2.0, so feel free to use it.
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Some random application ideas, for the RedScorpion section…
Inspired聽by the Italian Java User Group, I have done a “bet” on two simple project, to look forward them as a “projects for the user and not the technical guys”. The project are only idea at the time of writing, but if you think they can be good, leave a comment below. Bye :)
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This bug fix release of brasil4windows give supports to very big zips (over 2Gb). The fix is very trivial, but it is crucial if you plan to store big zips. You can download brasilwin_1_1 clicking on this link. Upgrade is higly recommended. Zip64 extensions was disabled聽 because the default zip and unzip commands on Unix (the InfoZIP utilities) don’t support these extensions, as stated in the Python documentation.
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Because of the forthcoming release of Jython 2.5 (after an year of silence), we at Gioorgi.com are checking Brasil compatibility, right now.聽 What is Jython?… we read from the Jython website:
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python written in 100% Pure Java, and seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. It thus allows you to run Python on any Java platform.
Jython 2.5 looks very promising, and we are planning Jython support for future Brasil releases.
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After some testing, we are happy to release聽 brasilwin_1_2, which features Java Jython 2.5alpha3 support!
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We are happy to release filecounter_0.1
File counter is a small python script to scan files and get userful information.
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At Gioorgi.com, after working with a lot with software for over twenty years,聽 we have envisioned a clear idea about open source.聽This is the first article of a series tagged “opensource”: let’s start!
Richard Stallman Vision, based on GNU open source idea, is too radical from our point of view.
Stallman GNU License is based on a “copyleft” idea, which gives聽everyone聽the freedom to look at others’work, without taking credits for it. The license vision is very strict, so consulting is the natural option for an IT business based on GNU software, which is drived by Univestities, because of its basic freedom statement. Closed and paid software is still widely used,聽but open source is the key for the next revolution; let’see why.
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