Col voto di martedì i cittadini della West Coast hanno respinto ad ampia maggioranza gli interventi fiscali (un’addizionale dell’1% sull’imposta di consumo, un aumento della tassa di circolazione e un incremento dello 0,25% dell’Irpef californiana) coi quali il governatore e il Parlamento dello Stato avevano deciso di colmare un deficit di bilancio di ben 21 miliardi di dollari. L'unica «proposition» approvata è quella che vieta ogni aumento retributivo per parlamentari e pubblici amministratori quando il bilancio è in passivo (ieri sono stati ridotti del 18% gli stipendi dei funzionari dello Stato con cariche elettive).
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Hi World. I didn’t lost a bit of grip on edge news, altrought now I am married!
In the first days of May we read about a new serach engine, called WolframAlpha.
The idea behind WolframAlpha are interesting, so we will take a close look to it.
Slashdot is following the engine very tightly (“Wolfram Alpha Launches Tonight, On Camera”, published on May 16) ans so will do Gioorgi.com.
[UPDATED! Google Squared is out of there!!]
First published on May 18th, 2009
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As processors become faster and multiprocessor systems become cheaper, the need to take advantage of multithreading in order to achieve full hardware resource utilization only increases the importance of being able to incorporate concurrency in a wide variety of application categories.
In this article we are evaluting a new approach to the concurrency. In the last five years computers are becoming even more parallel. Intel is pushing multi-core achiteture also on commodity personal computers. Neverless the computing power is ofter not well used: one again, hardware is a step head of our day-by-day software development. Remember when the 80286 came into light. The 286 was able to provide a multi-programming architecture but without memory management protection. We had to wait 386 hardware to see software working on preemptive multi-tasking, because software cannot cope with unprotected memory. In one word, it costs too much to develop a operating system without the new features the 80386 bring to us. What about concurrent programming? Can we look similarities in the concurrency field?
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Hands-on We loved the Xandros based OS the Asus put on the original Eee PC for its simplicity and direct access to applications. Likewise Acer's version of Linpus, installed on the Linux versions of its Aspire One netbook. For 90 per cent of the tasks anyone's likely to perform on a netbook, they're spot on and allow the machines to boot up in under 20 seconds.
via The best netbook-friendly Linux distros • Register Hardware. -
Bupmed from ArchiveTeam, we have a shocked news:
Geocities was a once very popular web hosting service founded in 1994 and purchased by Yahoo in 1999. On April 2009, Yahoo announced they would be closing Geocities "later this year". Apparently, Yahoo will offer a means to export user data sometime this summer.
The news is also reported by TechCrunch:Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Yahoo! is unceremoniously closing GeoCities, one of the original web-hosting services acquired by Yahoo! in 1999 for $2.87 billion.[...]
GeoCities’ traffic has been falling over the past year. According to ComScore, GeoCities unique visitors in the U.S. fell 24 percent in March to 11.5 million unique visitors from 15.1 million in March of 2008. Back in October, 2006, it had 18.9 million uniques.[…]
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Zopa (acronimo di Zone of possible agreement) è un network peer to peer di prestiti on line, gestito da Maurizio Sella (cugino di quarto grado dell’ omonimo ex presidente dell’ Abi, per i dettagli consultate questo articolo del Corriere del 12 maggio 2008).
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NEW YORK - La News Corp., gigante delle comunicazioni che fa capo a Rupert Murdoch, potrebbe far pagare l'accesso alle notizie online a partire dalla metà del prossimo anno, ribadendo un'idea che lo stesso Murdoch aveva già annunciato lo scors0 8 maggio. Inoltre News Corp. potrebbe rompere l'alleanza con Amazon sul lettore digitale Kindle, se non si arriverà a una rinegoziazione degli accordi. Lo fa sapere Murdoch, il quale si è detto scontento delle relazioni tra Kindle e i lettori online dei suoi giornali, lasciando anche trapelare la possibilità di un accordo tra News Corp e Sony.
via Murdoch: faremo pagare le notizie online - Corriere della Sera.Prendiamo spunto da questa notizia e facciamo qualche riflessione.All’inizio del web, i giornali hanno tentato di creare siti web in parte gratuiti ed in parte a pagamento.
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News Corporation's James Murdoch says that a 'dominant' BBC threatens independent journalism in the UK and that free news on the web provided by the BBC made it 'incredibly difficult' for private news organizations to ask people to pay for their news.
via Slashdot | James Murdoch Criticizes BBC For Providing "Free News".It is not the first time Murdoch is trying to fool us. Murdoch new war is trying to persuade people news on the web must be paid. It is difficult to fight this war, nowedays: it is like to try to get paid for email delivery, or for accessing to things like twitter or facebook.
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We are happy to announce Gioorgi.com offers a better experience for Mobile Phones browser:
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