Biblio Wolf (Bwolf for firends) is a webapp app for managing a book collection. BWolf is written in python using the Django web framework, and it is born from a Customer request. BWolf is open source, and you can get a full description here including links to downloads. I will mantain a blog of all the work I will do. In the last two months I set up a Subversion Repository and played a little with Django.
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SQLite is a small, powerful embedded database. A friend of mine started using it about six years ago. Some years ago it comes also on top of Python 2.5. It is used inside
- FileMaker Bento: its ultra customized model is based on a big sqllite db
- DropBox client, to store its internal state
- iPhone: stores your SMS and also other stuff. It is widely used by apps.
- Apple Safari uses it for HTML5 storage support
- Google Gears uses it
- ...and in a lot of embedded product.
I was annoyed because until version 3.1.3 SQLite did not provide an alter table syntax but… it is quite easy to emulate it with something like this, even if it required a bit of work:
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L’Arduino Uno, è un micro controller tutto italiano, sviluppato in open source e che sta avendo un grande successo.
Una parte del suo successo è dovuto al fatto che costa meno di trenta euro, e per essere così economico la versione base ha un chip ATmega328 con soltanto 2 KB di RAM, 1KB di EEPROM e 32KB di memoria flash per il codice. Come implementare comportamenti complessi con risorse così scarse? L’ingegneria del software ci può aiutare?… Vediamolo assieme, in una serie di articoli che avranno come obiettivo l’ingegnerizzazione spinta del sistema di sviluppo Arduino.
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Tool Command Language: il papa’ di Java
Dec 21, 2012 · 5 min read ·In particolatre Tcl 8.6 introduce un motore “stackless”, integra nel linguaggio le estensioni OOP, ed aggiunge le coroutine.
Parliamo quindi diffusamente di Tcl, un linuaggio che ho sempre trascurato perché mi sembrava macchinoso e un po’ brutto/fatto male…ma mi sono dovuto ricredere.
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The BBC Micro bit an ARM-based embedded system designed by the BBC for use in computer education in the UK. The device has been given away free [...] [to every 11 years old pupil] in the UK, and is also available for purchase by anyone.
This is the wikipedia definition.
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Esp8266 is the super cheap chip which can run Micropython. You can buy it on Amazon for as little as €8 or less, and as little as $5 or less on Bangood/AliExpress.
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