Erlang Book Review
Jul 19, 2009 · 7 min readen erlang featured lang reviews software · books development erlang framework functional-programming guide http ideas internet java oreilly performance programming-languages·After reading an interesting article on Erlang and Java interoperability, I have decided to dedicate my spare time to Erlang.
O’Reilly has just published a wonderful book on Erlang, so I decided to dive into it.
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Book review by Stefano Fago: This book introduce one of most interesting language of new wave of functional programming. You will find a complete overview of clojure language focusing in functional paradigm that can be the real obstacle for a standard developer. The author try to follow you on learning different subject with a lot of examples but sometimes it need more reflection and time to master some arguments and a syntax that may seems obscure. The book is a good starting point to introduce you to a new way of programming but also to learn some particulars aspect of Java. To consider a complete but not easy reading. However a book to have!
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Vista la crescente discesa dei prezzi degli ebook, ho voluto provare ad acquistare anche io uno di questi lettori, e la mia scelta è caduta sul Kindle Touch, che Amazon Italia vende a 130€ circa, spese di spedizione escluse. Uno dei maggiori freni alla diffusione degli ebook al momento è la estrema incompatibilità che c’è tra i vari formati, che di fatto impedisce all’utente finale di acquistare i libri su più siti di e-commerce.
Ma piuttosto che addentrarmi nell’argomento e-book (di per sé molto complesso da trattare) farò di seguito una più modesta recensione dell’e-reader più famoso: Amazon Kindle Touch, appunto.
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It is already history, and you can read my review there.
But if you like to try it yourself, you can order the C/64 Replica below. PS: if you wait some time, I predict it will ha a sale price of 40% of more, in a couple of months…versus the current 104€ retail price.
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I am playing to Divinity: Original Sin II (D:OS2) which is the game done before Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) by Larian Studios
BG3 is a success despite its launch was anticipated in August to avoid head-to-head competition Starfield. If we compare the success of BG3 with CyberPunk2077 launch failure, I think we can learn something about software developing PLANNING.
Divinity games are a tactical game with a lot of freedom, you can take things, combine them, and solve quests with different approaches (brute forces, talks with different paths, etc). For instance you can try to open a door with a key, with a burglar kit, or bashing it until it is destroyed (more long but feasible).
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Sono appena entrato in possesso di una Nissan QASHQAI Xtronic Mild Hybrid, e ne sono rimasto favorevolmente colpito, tanto da volervi fare una piccola review spontanea.
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