Org2Blog is a nice Emacs package to blog on Wordpress with Org-Mode. You can download it using the ELPA package manager, which is what I have done yesterday night. The Git Hub project page gives you a very clean explanation on how to use it, and a helpful FAQ.
Why it is nice
With this configuration you have a lot of useful features:
- Emacs Org Mode is fair efficent to write rich content:
- You can structure your text well
- You can hyperlink content in a nice way
- You get also verbatim source code (you need wp-syntaxhighlighter plugin):
[sourcecode language=“bash” light=“true”] #This is a shell fragment find / -name '*.org' [/sourcecode]
</li> </ul> </li> <li>You can use emacs spell checker (with aspell) which is quite good, and supports also more languages then the WordPress default </li> <li>If you add Visual-line-mode as minor mode, you get a very confortable editing experience. </li> </ul> <p> Org2Blog is able to publish your org file only at the meantime, and it is unable to read it back. So it is one way only: a bit annoying. The author provides also in the FAQ a small python script to convert Wordpress xml-export back to org-mode structure. </p> </div> </div>