iPhone is a very nice project, well designed and manufactered, but the market addressed is
an hard bet for Apple.
Big players are already on the ground: Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and Sony for instance.
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Dynamic languages troubles
Jan 30, 2008 路 3 min readen blog-objectsrootcom 路 again ant api arc build business car code complex database design easy eclipse example fix hard hosting http ibm import java lion microsoft perl php plugin project projects python ruby simple small smalltalk software sql system tools trouble ui unix war web world路I have read http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/chandler-failure and I think it is very danger way of exposing concepts.
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This article has been retained for hisorical reasons. In this article we refers to blog.Objectsroot.com a site discontinued on August 2008
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In the last seven months I have the need of sketching a bunch of interfaces, but I cannot find a valid tool. I was a Software Architect of a big huge project, busy also on other聽smaller projects聽as project manager.
I need a rapid way to sketch use cases, to pass them to a聽very young team.
Web interfaces are not easy to design, and we was in a very weird situation: the team was forced to use DAOs, with no O/R mapping tool. So I need also to map some interfaces to a database model, to help them building the model and the view classes
After some search, I ended up with MS Visio.
MS Visio is great, but too difficult to use, doing training is hard and so I must discourage its use. Worst, Visio costs a lot, and it is not included with the standard MS-Office Tools.
Visio offers only WinXP look&Feel, which is not the best for designing agnostic web interfaces.
Thank you to a friend of mine, I have the discovered the聽BalsamIQ Mockup project. Let’s see why it is a so good solution.
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A Gioorgi.com
ci occupiamo di software da molto tempo. Giovanni Giorgi respira il software dalla met脿 degli anni ottanta, 聽quando il Vic 20 fu commercializzato in Italia (abbiamo trovato molti dettagli sul nome e la storia del VIC-20, ma la fonte pi霉 attendibili 猫 sempre wikipedia).
Dopo cos矛 tanto tempo, possiamo affermare uno dei principi fondamentali che qualsiasi persona si occupi di software deve tenere a mente.
Non importa se siete account, ingegneri, responsabili di marketing o semplici sviluppatori junior. Dovete sempre tenere a mente che il software che producete deve essere facile.
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At Gioorgi.com we have used plenty of web frameworks.
Giovanni Giorgi used Seaside,聽 a lot of PHP frameworks, Java Struts, RubyOnRails, and Python Django.
We have started to look for Web2Py, a compact,聽 easy to learn聽 python web framework.
From the most notable feature, it runs also on Google App Engine. Written by an Italian University professor for teaching web development, spots a very clean design, and a robust security infrastructure. We聽 suggest it because installation (and upgrading) is a snap.
Let’s take a look to it…
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