At Gioorgi.com we will start a series of articles about bug tracking. As usual, our posts will be short, tight focused and open to comments and improvement.
A software will be full of bugs at some point of its life, and every good developer/project manager must be ready to address these issue. Let’s see how to fix them….
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(Updated on 2014,2018) Programma suggerito del percorso formativo:
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) & Java
- Hollywood Principle, "don't call us, we'll call you".
- Struts 1.2 e succ
- Hibernate, speed intro.
- Consulenza
- Design Patterns e modellazione
- ToolBox as a plus:
- JUnit e HttpUnit Cookbook
- Regular Expressions Esempio animato Editor per esercitarsi
- Linux Filosofia alla base di Unix, da "The Art of Unix Programming" di Eric Steven Raymond
- Linguaggio open a scelta, diverso da Java: Python, Perl o Ruby Cosa provare: RubyOnRails, GoogleAPI in python, librerie CPAN del Perl
- Approfondimenti
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) & Java
At Gioorgi.com, after working with a lot with software for over twenty years,聽 we have envisioned a clear idea about open source.聽This is the first article of a series tagged “opensource”: let’s start!
Richard Stallman Vision, based on GNU open source idea, is too radical from our point of view.
Stallman GNU License is based on a “copyleft” idea, which gives聽everyone聽the freedom to look at others’work, without taking credits for it. The license vision is very strict, so consulting is the natural option for an IT business based on GNU software, which is drived by Univestities, because of its basic freedom statement. Closed and paid software is still widely used,聽but open source is the key for the next revolution; let’see why.
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Mantis bug tracking tool 1
Nov 12, 2008 路 2 min read 路In the previous article we introduced the reader to the bug tracking tools.
In this article we will analyze Mantis, an open source bug tracking tool It is very important to stress you are going to use much more time to set up an open source bug tracking tool. A fraction of this time is for setting it up, but the vast majority of your time will be spent setting it up, customizing it and recovering information on it.
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At Gioorgi.com, after working with a lot with software for over twenty years,聽 we have envisioned a clear idea about open source. This is the second article of a series tagged “opensource”: the previous one is Open Source for the infrastructure; in such article we started to do some tiny consideration of the destiny of big closed huge framework. Things are getting bigger and bigger, and maintaining big code library is a high cost for software house
In the 2008, when I look at software I ask only a thing: to be simple.聽Embarrassingly聽simple. The success of Mac stuff (like ipods, macosx and so on) is based vastly on simple design of ready to use, not annoying stuff.
For this reason, the software is not anymore the focus. Core software should be open source: things like word process are not the future of the business. Things like FaceBook are the future of business.
What you try to sell is your GUI design experience (see things like FogBugz or Wordpress), your networking idea (like Facebook), your focus on search agents (like Google, because too much information is useless by definition).
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We read and report:
Tonight, to clear up some problems with the packaging of the Django 1.0.1 release from Friday, we've released Django 1.0.2; once again, this is a bugfix-only release, and is a recommended upgrade for anyone targeting or using Django 1.0 or Django 1.0.1.
Weblog entry announcing the release is here: http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2008/nov/18/102/ Release notes are here: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.0.2/
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As we have seen, bug tracking tools are a very important piece of your It infrastructure. Some tools aims to be a storing ticketing system (like Remedy), others a simple bug tracking tool.聽 In this second post we are going to analyze one of them, called FogBugz
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A Gioorgi.com
ci occupiamo di software da molto tempo. Giovanni Giorgi respira il software dalla met脿 degli anni ottanta, 聽quando il Vic 20 fu commercializzato in Italia (abbiamo trovato molti dettagli sul nome e la storia del VIC-20, ma la fonte pi霉 attendibili 猫 sempre wikipedia).
Dopo cos矛 tanto tempo, possiamo affermare uno dei principi fondamentali che qualsiasi persona si occupi di software deve tenere a mente.
Non importa se siete account, ingegneri, responsabili di marketing o semplici sviluppatori junior. Dovete sempre tenere a mente che il software che producete deve essere facile.
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