Yes this is a negative-advertise (sometimes called flame). I get disappointed by "The Super Dimension Fortres" after about 3 years of use. The service was spartan but quite good, and you got lifetime access for only 36$. I also paid for some additional services from time to time. Then in the summer I launched a "vhost" command, to understand how vhost works. I found no manual and no help, so I closed my shell and went to bed.
After some month, the administrator asked me to pay for a VHOST service I never used. Abeit the time passed, I complain about it sending an email. I recieved NO response.
After a month my account was deleted.
I cannot speak with the administrator. I received only silly auto-generated email asking for money.
And by the way no a decent bill evidence.
This total lack of communication and brute-force resolution of a trivial problem is bad. So I must discourage my friends and readers, to AVOID the Super Dimension Fortres service at all.
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Postgres performance tuning
Apr 3, 2008 · 1 min read · -
As some of you know, I was a Smalltalk fan&developer in the last twelve years. I have stopped working on smalltalk years ago… anyway, I am happy to look forward the Squeak Smalltalk Community from time to time.
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After a bit of working, the projects section of Gioorgi.com is coming into life. Gioorgi Team is looking forward the 2009 to finalize the research projects.
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In the last seven months I have the need of sketching a bunch of interfaces, but I cannot find a valid tool. I was a Software Architect of a big huge project, busy also on other smaller projects as project manager.
I need a rapid way to sketch use cases, to pass them to a very young team.
Web interfaces are not easy to design, and we was in a very weird situation: the team was forced to use DAOs, with no O/R mapping tool. So I need also to map some interfaces to a database model, to help them building the model and the view classes
After some search, I ended up with MS Visio.
MS Visio is great, but too difficult to use, doing training is hard and so I must discourage its use. Worst, Visio costs a lot, and it is not included with the standard MS-Office Tools.
Visio offers only WinXP look&Feel, which is not the best for designing agnostic web interfaces.
Thank you to a friend of mine, I have the discovered the BalsamIQ Mockup project. Let’s see why it is a so good solution.
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The Network Computer was a bad idea born in the middle of the ‘90, and ended up to be completly wrong. Anyway, the current software tecnologhy (like AJAX, Google Gears, the psedo-new-ms-windows os called midori) can be helpuful to sketch a new idea of operating system.
The network computer fails because it pretends to store all information (program, user data) on the server. Worst, it pretends a fee for application usage. But users preferred a buy-one model, because they didn’t like the renting model
In the NC world the Software company will also hold all you private documents, a very security concerns.
And the software company must guarantee also nobody will look your important market strategy stored on a corel draw excel. This things costs too much.
Even Apple is trying to remove DRM from Apple Store, selling some titles without it. The reason is simple: apple needs to upgrade its copy protection scheme, for avoiding some hacker will be able to crak it. But this costs too much!
Let’s see what we can think now, after 10 years, a bunch of iPhone/EEPC out of there and Open Source full of life…
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In this article I will introduce you to Hibernate 3 persistence framework. This article is worth to read, because give you a very fast track to Hibernate; I have used this tool for the past six years, when only the good 2.x series was out of there. Then I have the lucky of training two teams on two different and big projects, with a “zero time” to teach them hibernate. So I decided to put here my advices, hints, tips and tricks, for the rest of the guys around the World.
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We are happy to release filecounter_0.1
File counter is a small python script to scan files and get userful information.
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