This is the second article on functional programming. In the first one we talked about scala and the type inference system it brings in the Java Way of Life.
I played a bit with python functional howto, building a small game. Before starting I surfing for a bit of libraries and documentation.
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L’ultima volta che ho provato Ruby 猫 stato nell’aprile del 2005. Avevo sviluppato un paio di progetti di test in RubyOnRails, che allora era gi脿 produttivo. Ruby era affascinante, ma la libreria base mi sembrava ancora in stato embrionale e lo abbandonai. RubyOnRails non mi 猫 mai sembrato avesse un vantaggio competitivo rispetto a framwork come CakePHP o Python Django.
Read MoreThe Sqlite Oracle Compatibility Functions is an experimental compatibility layer for SQLite vs Oracle, written in Python 3.
Read MoreRing - Cache interface as a programming language integrationRing provides function-oriented cache interface for various backends.
Read MoreThe project has been renamed into “runif”. This page left only for Google Search happiness.
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May 28, 2020 路 2 min read 路Idempotent and minimal python 3 library for rapid scripting. Provide support for creating file, adding data to them, patching and so on.
Read MoreAfter creating Misterio, I found this alternative called HarborMaster:
Harbormaster is a small utility that lets you easily deploy multiple Docker-Compose applications on a single host.
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