Italian Accent Oracle fix

In Italian language we have accent words like àèéìòù

They are quite important because for instance "is" is spelled


whereas "and" is spelled


Accent are bad guys even today: if you copy them from MS-Word inside an Oracle sql script you can end up with different UTF-8 values. Also the accent are likely to be destroyed if you past them in your html page without using the correct html entity (i.e. è )

Sometimes you need to export the data inserted with accent: an Oracle Virtual column can be an elegant solution....if you have at least Oracle 11g.


Also a magic update can fix some nasty the solution:


[sql] ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE ADD( NAME_NORMALIZED generated always AS ( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( ACCENT_COLUMN, 'à','a'''),'è','e'''),'é','e'''),'ì','i'''),'ò','o'''),'ù','u''') )); [/sql]