Code Zauker 0.1.0: Code Young
Hi everyone! After months of complex stuff in other projects, I am happy to announce you CodeZauker 0.1.0, you code-based indexing system with redis backend for stunning performance.I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums Oh what a shame that you came here with someone So while you're here in my arms Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna Code young
We're gonna code young We're gonna code young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
This version of code zauker spots an auto-reindexing system & a new command, czlist.
CodeZauker will store a MD5 checksum for every file and reindex automatically changed files, greatly improving the indexing workflow.
czlist simplify integration with unix tool-chain. czlist access directly to code zauker core to show the filename which could contains the searchstring. czlist is ideal for IDE integration, or for simple inspection.
As usual, the new version is avaible as ruby gem, for your pleasure.
Version 0.1.0 is also easily deployable under ms-windows: I have removed C-based modules you can live without. Tests with 64bit verison of redis looks great under ms-windows, but we keep suggesting Linux for production environments.