Mantis bug tracking tool 1
In the previous article we introduced the reader to the bug tracking tools.
In this article we will analyze Mantis, an open source bug tracking tool It is very important to stress you are going to use much more time to set up an open source bug tracking tool. A fraction of this time is for setting it up, but the vast majority of your time will be spent setting it up, customizing it and recovering information on it.
Mantis is a bug tracking software written in PHP and MySQL. It is very fast to set up, and it has nice feature like:
- Very good administration interfaces. You can create projects, subprojects, users and so on. For every user you can assign different roles for each project
- For every project you can define custom fields, with a very huge set of properties (like "mandatory flag", and so on. You can also copy custom fields from one project to another, in a simple way
- It is possible to customize the workflow, at least at some extend.
- Easy to set up, very fast.
- Design of email alerting is good
- The project configuration is a snap.
- Very ugly interface.
- Documentation is not organically organized, and finding something is not easy. Even installation instructions are under the stardard
Comment by kiran on 2009-01-10 21:51:08
I dont think easy installation is one of the pros.
I have been trying the installation procedure for a couple of days now and not yet successful. There is no clear documentation available as to how to install it
Comment by Raj on 2009-01-27 23:47:19
I've been working on Mantis from recent past. The tool looks great and have better integration with other test management tools. I tried the integration with Test link. Everything looks smooth.
I am not able to figure out the email notifications in Mantis. A new user signs up, He is not getting any mail from Mantis.
How do I fix this issue?
Comment by Giovanni Giorgi on 2009-01-12 17:42:37
Yes, the documentation is too a "work in progress" and it is quite bad. I have done a very basic installation, for an internal project. We didn't use so much options, but we have no trouble.
Comment by Giovanni Giorgi on 2009-01-28 11:40:02
Hi Raj, take a look to
Ciao ciao!
Comment by priya on 2009-06-15 15:50:05
I have installed Testlink 1.7.5 and Mantis 1.1.6 and both are working perfectly fine on theit own.I want to integrate the two but even aftre following the instructions,I have not been possible to do so.Please help ASAP.
Below is a description of what I have done :
Mantis :
Server name : localhost
Database name : db_mantis
Username : root
Password : ' '
Testlink :
Server name :localhost
Database name : testlink
Username : priya
Password : admin
Steps Followed :
In thetestlink-> mantis.cfg.php file :
/** The DB host to use when connecting to the mantis db */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
/** The name of the database that contains the mantis tables */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', 'db_mantis');
/** The DB type being used by mantis
values: mysql,mssql,postgres
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
/** The DB password to use for connecting to the mantis db */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', 'root');
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', '');
// define('BUG_TRACK_DB_CHARSET',"gb2312");
// define('BUG_TRACK_DB_CHARSET',"UTF-8");
Created anonymous account with viewer access to all projects :
username : test
password :
In mantis->config_inc.php :
Allow anonymous login
$g_allow_anonymous_login = ON;
$g_anonymous_account = 'test';
In :
/** [Bug Tracking systems] */
TestLink uses bugtracking systems to check if displayed bugs resolved, verified,
and closed bugs. If they are it will strike through them
NO : no bug tracking system integration
BUGZILLA : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/bugzilla.cfg.php
MANTIS : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/mantis.cfg.php
JIRA : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/jira.cfg.php
TRACKPLUS : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/trackplus.cfg.php
EVENTUM : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/eventum.cfg.php
This is how i did it :