Why was adsense disabled on Gioorgi.com?
On 24th of September, at 6a.m. o’ clock we received an email from Google, saying our Google Adsense (TM) account was discontinued.
Our Chief editor (Giovanni) had played a bit with Selenium IDE in the last week, so he has probably generated some bad clicks (of a few dollars, anyway… nobody is trying to cheat for few bucks :-)
Anyway the email sent was a bit rude, and without any good explanations; in our humble opinion it was at least weird.
Google(tm) did not ask explanation before proceeding and did not give us enough elements to take any recovery actions.Giovanni Giorgi Chief Editor.The Google AdSense(tm) was a service for the readers, and it has never been our primary funding resource (we earned less then 70 euros in three years).
Gioorgi.com cannot have discontinued services on home page, and if a partner acts in a bad way, we must react promptly
For the above reasons we have decided to stop using Google AdSense(tm) on Gioorgi.com, at least for some time; this is a sad decision, but unavoidable at least at the time of writing
Because our readers are our present and our future.