Ma come fare a gestire la biancheria in questi casi? Ebbene il vostro mentore (cioè io...) ha la soluzione. Grazie a Radio Deejay, ho scoperto il seguente fantastico servizio: http://www.stendibiancheria.net/
che vi dice quando vi conviene stendere la biancheria. Questo modesto servizio, migliora le probabilià di essere più puliti del solito, ed evita che i panni bianchi si sporchino senza una valida ragione.
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Closure in C#
Jan 6, 2011 路 2 min read 路 -
My Big Company asked me to develop a small-sized application using C# and WebForms. The Customer was a big Italian Bank, and it asked for that technology: I was chosen because of my Java seniority, but I was zero on .NET knowledge
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LINQBridge is a re-implementation of all the standard query operators in Framework 3.5's System.Linq.Enumerable class. It's designed to work with the C# 3.0 compiler, as used by Visual Studio 2008. LINQBridge comprises a LINQ to Objects API for running local queries. (It doesn't include an implementation of LINQ to SQL, nor LINQ to XML; a good compromise can be to force Framework 3.5 out to just the server machines, allowing LINQ to SQL to be used where it's needed most).
via linqbridge - Re-implementation of LINQ to Objects for .NET Framework 2.0There are a lot of legacy project out of there. Some customer will ask you to add a simple .NET 2.0 web service to a big application, and they will not switch to C# 3.5 for that.
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Nei mesi passati ho avuto l’opportunit脿 di lavorare come software architect per un progetto basato su .NET e C#.
Da molti anni non bazzicavo in ambito Microsoft, e quindi 猫 stata una utile palestra. Ho pensato di scrivere questo piccolo manuale per sviluppatori java con la ventura di dover diventare… C#-enabled.
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聽 聽Dapper is a single file you can drop in to your project that will extend your IDbConnection interface. [...]
A key feature of Dapper is performance. The following metrics show how long it takes to execute 500 SELECT statements against a DB and map the data returned to objects.
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F# is a Microsoft research Language. F# is riding the functional revenge way of the last years. F# is a mixed approach, because some variables can be modified. It borrows a lot of things from Haskell and OCaml 聽(Wikipedia dixit). F# is not used like Erlang or Haskell but it could be installed with Visual Studio 2010, and as a separate visual studio plug-in. If you need some functional stuff on your .NET architecture, 聽F# can be your friend.
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Descrizione del corso: Introduzione ad Html5 basata su WebForms Target: certificazione corso 20480B Repository delle slide e del codice di esempio: https://github.com/daitangio/html5 Lingua: Italiano Tecnologia: Visual Studio 2013 (Trial Supported) Extra software required: SQL Express
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