Magicron, small K8s template to make cronjob
Sometimes you need to create a lot of CronJobs in k8s. In particular, in my last project I need to create a lot of stupid “web hooks” to fire complex job execution. K8s is well suited for this task because it take care of launching a single job instance, and relaunch them in case of error.
I ended up creating a small helm template you can use to create standard jobs In your values html define a thing like
2 boringTask1:
3 schedule: "10 5 * * *"
4 url: /boring1
5 boringTask2:
6 schedule: "10 6 * * *"
7 url: /boring2
Then use the following tiny template to generate all the K8s boilerplate:
1{{- /*
2 Magicron Core
3 Author: Giovanni Giorgi - 2024
4 Purpose:
5 Dinamically create a set of batch jobs based on very simple structure under values called magicron
6Usage example:
8 ctb:
9 schedule: "10 5 * * *"
10 url: /cluster/private/cronJob
14{{/* Generate basic labels */}}
15{{- define "magicron.labels" -}}
17 {{ .top.Chart.Name }}-{{ .top.Chart.Version }}
18 {{ .top.Release.Name }}
19 {{ .top.Release.Name }}
20 application_code: yourapp
21 Helm
22 magicron/job: cron-{{ .jobName }}
23{{- end -}}
24{{- $top := . -}}
25{{- range $k, $v := $top.Values.magicron -}}
26{{ $labelData := dict "top" $top "jobName" $k }}
28# Crontab for {{ $k }}
29apiVersion: batch/v1
30kind: CronJob
32 name: cron-{{ $k }}-{{ $ }}
33 namespace: {{ $ }}
34 {{- include "magicron.labels" $labelData | nindent 2 }}
36 schedule: {{ $v.schedule | quote }}
37 jobTemplate:
38 spec:
39 template:
40 metadata:
41 {{- include "magicron.labels" $labelData | nindent 10 }}
42 spec:
43 {{- with $.Values.imagePullSecrets }}
44 imagePullSecrets:
45 {{- toYaml . | nindent 12 }}
46 {{- end }}
47 containers:
48 - name: {{ $k }}-batch-run
49 image: alpine:latest
50 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
51 # Alpine should consume less than 6Mb RAM and it is a good solution for tiny webhooks jobs
52 resources:
53 requests:
54 memory: "9Mi"
55 cpu: "25m"
56 limits:
57 memory: "9Mi"
58 cpu: "50m"
59 # The following command emit on standard output the log of the webhook
60 # Also provide a magic 'User-Agent' string with option U to detect the source of the event
61 command:
62 - /bin/sh
63 - -c
64 - wget -O - --no-check-certificate -S -U MagiCron http://svc-{{ $ }}.{{ $ }}.svc.cluster.local:8080{{ $v.url }}
65 restartPolicy: OnFailure
66 # Replace running job if running (needed to be sure new version upgrades)
67 concurrencyPolicy: Replace
68{{ end }}