Docker tips

Use docker in docker to drive docker from a container Working under windows, sometimes docker slow down. Sometimes you need to access to the MobyVM. With this line:

docker run --rm  -ti -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -v /:/host   docker  sh

you run a container which will removed upon exit. This container can access to docker daemon (via the docker in docker image) and has also access to MobyVM under the /host mount point. Keep in mind this container has total access to your windows C: disk too, so be careful! Find the total memory % used by your containers:

docker stats --no-stream --format "table \{\{.MemPerc\}\}" | sed 's/[A-Za-z]*//g' | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum "%"}'

Tested with 18.06.1-ce, take a look at for docker stats syntax

UPDATE Find out what you can format: try with the json output

docker images --format='\{\{json .\}\}'
#Delete only some image groups, doing a match via docker image command, instead of ugly grep
docker images --format '\{\{.ID\}\}' daitangio | xargs docker rmi
# Get service ids for further analisis via docker inspect:
docker service ls --format "\{\{json .ID\}\}"

UPDATE 2020 How to remove down node from a cluster (dirty fast):

docker node ls --format '\{\{.ID\}\}:\{\{.Status\}\}' |  grep Down | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs docker node rm