Alexa Easy

Alexa EaSy :-)

Alexa Easy free you from your daunting social tasks. Let Alexa Easy  take a pause (break up) with your partner or organize a funding event with guys you did not call in the last ten years, and regain credibility.
Personal life mixed up with job responsabilities? Let Alexa Easy fire your best friends, with a nice hug.





Reduce operational overhead

Your business is struggling?

Do you need to shrink your workforce?

Provide your Contacts to Alexa Easy, and let her fire them at will.

No hassle, no privileges: Alexa will apply a strong random algorithm to pick the one to fire. Alexa will provide suggestion to them and push out of your office, giving another job to look for.


Less stress

Do you think your partner is boring? Do you want to break up but you are unable to tell him/her the truth?
Let Alexa call him/her, and arrange for a pause, honey, and a nice goodbye present (found on Amazon,  of course).

Extra charge my apply 



Truly consistent human experience

Alexa Easy mimic your voice and will give you an empathic accent when needed. The called guy will understand and let you go (or leave)


Powerful Machine Learning at your command

Pricing starts from 30$/hour for call.
Discount for recurring calls ("How are you, honey?")

Auto response on your number.