migrated! (updated)
We moved to WebFaction on 15 Jul 2011. WebFaction served us well but with somewhat suboptimal performance. Uptime was never very good, and perfromance suffered from a very slow servers. We have plenty of disk space but little ram (512Mb) to play with.
For instance on April 2018, we got at 99.93% uptime, which is indeed very low:

Considering the high costs (about 9.5$/mo+VAT) and poor performance we started looking forward a better solution in term costs & quality; after some reasearch, we chosed Linode
Linode performance seems good: we passed from 1,2 seconds on average, to 0,5 seconds response time (and we are still tuning the machine)!
The Pingdom response time graph shows it easily (arrow point to the DNS switch to Linode):

Also, Wordpress migration is embarrassing easy: just dump the database, copy the data and trick your hosts file to the new ip to check everything is in place.
The only thing we suggest is to keep an eye on email servers and avoid to self-manage it. Mail-in-a-box is a complete solution, but require an additional node to mange it.
So, lets rock on Autumn 2018 and give Linode a try, using this referral if you like!