Le belle donne rendono gli uomini temporaneamente stupidi?
E' notizia di qualche giorno fa, che gli uomini che passano qualche minuto assieme ad una donna attraente, ottengono poi un punteggio più basso in determinati test sul cervello, rispetto a quelli che parlano con donne meno attraenti...
La scoperta dell'acqua calda è che gli uomini sembrano usare la maggior parte delle loro "risorse cognitive" per impressionare le belle donne... potremmo chiamarla la sindrome del pavone :)
E potremmo anche dire che però è un bel problema, se come leggiamo sotto, questo implica anche l'incapacità di ricordarsi il numero di telefono della bella di turno....
"The Telegraph reports that men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find attractive. This leads to speculation that men use up so much of their brain function or 'cognitive resources' trying to impress beautiful women, they have little left for other tasks. Psychologists at Radboud University in The Netherlands carried out the study after one of them was so struck on impressing an attractive woman he had never met before, that he could not remember his address when she asked him where he lived. Researchers recruited 40 male heterosexual students and had each one perform a standard memory test. The volunteers then spent seven minutes chatting to male or female members of the research team before repeating the test. The results showed that men were slower and less accurate after trying to impress the women. The more they fancied them, the worse their score."da Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters.