Orkut is dead
As you know, U.S.A. is having a very bad time, the resulting effect is a “big credit crunch”. For this reason big company operating in the IT are cutting down their minor services. Google is famous for having pushed a lot of “beta” services, and now the company is reviewing its decisions. Orkut (the Facebook-clone until Facebook acquisition…) is one of the service facing a lack of interest by BigG. We can read below the story of a guy who had its credential stolen by a set of smart hackers:
[...]I have tried to contact Orkut help, posted messages in the help groups, emailed and complained to Google, emailed and complained via the Orkut complaint forms and even tried sending messages to places that are not meant to be Orkut related. It has been over two weeks and I have yet to receive a single acknowledgment. Nothing, nada, zip.Read this sad story “Et Tu Google? Then Fail, Net Safety | Weblog Tools Collection”.I don’t mind telling you that it is despicable for a company like Google to run an extremely popular application with a complete lack of care for its netizens. While I acknowledge that Orkut is not the most important product that Google offers, I think Google should still stand by their product.
Because the majority of Google services are free, the Orkut destiny can be easily shared by other stuff around the Google Universe. To be onest, GMail is “Beta” from its logo down to it service level agreement.
The only Google services in production are two: the search engine and the ad-sense services. In the past days a bug hit the search engine for several minutes, big deal for a so widely used service:
Google’s Internet search service malfunctioned for nearly 55 minutes Saturday morning, upending users around the world with search results that carried false safety warnings and Web links that did not work.Old e-Commerce companies avoid carefully to push a pletora (big set) of free services, without a minimal sort of marketing structure behind them. For instance, before creating Google Notes (now dismissed) someone should ask himself: how much guys will use this thing? Is the work involved worth to? Should the interface be carefully designed, or can I leave the programmer alone in the dark with its Java code and the Plex blinking behind him?
The tecno-driven-blazing new Google is now understanding the reason behind slow, carefully design followed by the “old” software company.